Sunday, March 9, 2008

Acne Scar Reduction: Moving Beyond Dermaroller Therapy

We have treated dozens of people with acne scars of varying types and depths over the last year. The results have been gratifying, as we inevitably see improvement over the course of the treatment. The majority of our patients call it a day after completing their package of 3 sessions. A few have agreed to continuing treatment and adding other modes of therapy to enhance the results.

Over the last few months, we have added a variety of treatments to speed up and enhance the results. Peeling was our first adjunct and the results have been dramatic. We now have two other adjuncts which have a part to play in acne scar therapy.

A few weeks ago, we happened to come across a forum discussing autologous collagen to fill up rolling acne scars. We had a volunteer willing to try this treatment. We harvested the collagen from his love handles and injected the substance into the deeper scars. He came back for review today, and was extremely pleased with the outcome. Many deep scars had filled up. Even the scars in his temple area were more shallow.

The next stage of his treatment will involve our latest treatment. We are now able to stimulate collagen production more precisely within each scar, and ablate the sharp edges. Some downtime is associated with this, but it doesn't last long.

There is no single perfect treatment for acne scars. However, each treatment in our range of options has a part to play for optimal results.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank's for sharing! Very interesting. I want to consider dermaroller treatment for my acne scars!