Saturday, December 6, 2008
Desperately Seeking Female Plastic Surgeon in Singapore!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Dangers of Internal Fat
I was really disappointed that he didn't have anything new to add to our treatment regimes. He used meal replacements as part of his treatment protocol, and I am really not in favour of such a calorie restrictive diet plan. Surely he should take the loss of muscle mass into consideration? Seems like he has forgotten that the body is built for survival, and accumulation of fat at the expense of muscle is the body's main defence against starvation.
But then I guess we are one of the lucky few clinics who own machines that can reduce internal fat and build muscle. So I can afford to be critical of doctors who are in a less fortunate position equipment-wise. The combination of Thermojet with Ion Magnum is pretty potent. Both speed up the metabolism and burn fat for fuel. Ion Magnum in addition builds muscle and has major anti-aging benefits. Plus has clinical studies to show its efficacy in slowly burning off the dangerous internal fat. No operation or major lifestyle changes needed.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Back to Manila to Lecture
Friday, September 26, 2008
Preparing for F1 Parties
So how does one prepare for such spectacular events with celebrities and media (local & foreign)?
I only received the invitations a week ago, so crash slimming is out of the question. Especially when I had to dash around Orchard Road to search for appropriate dresses that fit! Can't risk doing anything that could jeopardise my new clothes!
So intensive face work was called for. I've been quite lazy about doing treatments generally. Something about being surrounded by all these machines... Mery last did a facial for me in mid 2007, when we were still at Faber House! I don't think we'd even decided to move to UE Square at that stage! Since then, I've had one round of Easy TCA peeling (end 2007), 2 lots of Actistem (January & June this year) and the odd Perfector session. Fortunately, having just had to prepare for a photo shoot last week, I had done a little bit of lifting with the Perfector recently.
On examining my face earlier this week, I decided I had a few clogged pores I wanted cleared out. I still needed just a little more lifting for ideal jawline definition, and my complexion looked a tad dull.
With these in mind, I decided some treatment with the RF in rejuvenation mode was the first step. RF rejuvenation acts as an electric peel, so skims off some of the dead skin cells and ejects blackheads and comedones. Half an hour later, the skin looked more radiant, most of the pores were cleaner, but there were a few deep comedones that still refused to come out. So the face steamer came out and Joey extracted the stubborn comedones.
Since I was in the self indulgent mood, I decided I should have a mask treatment to follow. We decided on the Caviar mask with Caviar ampoule for hydration. I had always used the Whitening mask before, so this was a nice first for me. Half an hour later, I emerged radiant and most surprisingly, the lift I wanted was there! The collagen from the mask had impregnated through and hydrated my skin, providing the lift I so desperately wanted! Since closing our Spa, we had pretty much neglected these Biomatrix masks and I had forgotten how amazing they were.
The rest of today will be spent getting my nails, hair and makeup done. Then F1 party, here I come!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Preparing for 1st November
In a nutshell, there must be no further use of the terms aesthetic physician or aesthetic doctor. Some of the treatments which have been well accepted in the aesthetic community have been categorised as "List B" or having low scientific evidence of efficacy.
Two of the treatments in question are dermaroller and deep tissue massage (endermologie) for the treatment of cellulite. Rather than a blanket ban on these procedures, doctors can opt to continue offering these services under study conditions. The two options are full clinical trial or detailed observational study. The protocols have to be lodged with SMC, and the treatments must be stopped if there is no evidence of efficacy, or evidence of harm.
Thank goodness I spent my SGH days doing different types of research. Lots of cobwebs have had to be swept away, but the various components of such studies is still second nature. I have currently prepared protocols for both dermaroller therapy for acne scar reduction, and endermologie as part of a multi-modal treatment protocol.
Although the aim is to start on 1st November, my intention is to start implementing the new consent and data collection protocol before that. I believe I should be ready in the next few days. Although the consent is for "experimental" treatment, we have had vast experience with both treatments and are confident of their efficacy and safety. And as solid clinical evidence is collected, this has to be beneficial for all concerned.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Waterjet Liposuction at Mount Alvernia Hospital
I have had word from MoH too. They are now only interested in accrediting clinics for liposuction (under 1 litre fat). Doctors looking to operate at ambulatory surgery centres or hospital operating theatres are to be accredited by the individual institution. Sister Ee has helped me with accreditation for liposuction in Mount Alvernia, so everything is set for us to continue there.
Keeping the Memory of Ivy Alive

Ivy left us in June this year so as to further her studies. She is now knee deep in CIDESCO training, and hopes to continue with Brazilian waxing after that! We had initially hoped to have her working part-time with us on Sundays, but that was not to be.
We waited some weeks for Mery's CIDESCO classmate Joey to join the team. She's been with us since 9th September and is working very hard to learn her way around our services.
Our team now comprises:
Monday, September 8, 2008
From Blog of Xanya Sofra Weiss
“Dr Moheinan wants to try to Ion Magnum, the British device manufactured by Innovations Science, a research center funded by the European Union. The device burns fat and builds muscle. Results are instant. You will lose between 2 to 3 inches. My name is Dr. Weiss and I am the director of Research for Arasys Perfector / Ion Magnum, LLC”
Dr. Moheinan climbed on the stage smiling in disbelief. “How long do results last?” she asked.
“As long as if you went to the gym for a week working out about two hours a day,” replied Dr. Weiss while Femme fatale looking technician measured and wrapped her a neoprene belt with pads around her waist.
“Twenty minutes on the Ion Magnum is like a condensed strenuous workout that takes several hours in the gym,” Dr. Weiss announced on the microphone. “Ion Magnum burns fat and builds muscle. Simple it sounds, yet it took its inventor thirty years of research to compose the electronic waveform that can do just that, safely and effectively.”
“Ah! No, it doesn’t hurt, it’s just a strange sensation,” cried Dr. Moheinan giggling and laughing as the technician turned on the machine. Just then, waiters appeared with trays of appetizers. Fresh Sushi, cheeses and a decadent dark chocolate mouse cake.
A muscular male model brought a plate with delights for Dr. Moheinan. Dr. Weiss passed the microphone to a tall gorgeous brunette and grabbed an entire tray with chocolate mouse cakes for the booth. “I’ll have half of this by myself,” she told us confidentially. “I love chocolate.”
“How do you stay so slim?” I asked. “How many hours do you work out?
Dr. Weiss chuckled. “How many hours? None. Here punch my stomach!” She took my hand and brought it against her hard rock body. “That’s the Ion Magnum. Nothing like it, there’s absolutely no other machine that can do that. And after you lost a few inches during the treatment, you continue loosing inches overnight plus it speeds up your metabolism so you keep on losing...”
“You can have eat while you are the Ion Magnum,” The femme fatale technician informed Dr Moheinan who was reluctant to touch her plate with appetizers.
“That.s right. I always munch on chocolate cookies or something when I am on the Ion Magnum. Have you ever worked out while having chocolate cake?” Dr. Weiss said swiftly preparing serving Dr. Moheinan with three pieces of the chocolate mouse.”
“What a feast! I am not going to lose any inches on this treatment,” Dr Moheinan quipped, with her mouth full.
“You will, you will,” Dr. Weiss exclaimed in a matter of fact tone.
The moment of truth came as Dr. Moheinan had just finished her enormous meal that included the chocolate cake and the femme fatale technician took out the measuring tape.
“Two inches off!”
“Oh my Lord!” Dr Moheinan’s eyes are shinning. “After all this food I lost two inches? “When we were in Singapore Dr. Cheng lost two and a half inches on the Ion Magnum while having lunch, “Dr Weiss said. “You can read the story on her blog website,
“I lost an inch and a half yesterday, but when I measured myself today I had lost another inch,” says a tall blonde doctor introducing himself to me as Dr. Long. He lifts up his shirt revealing a round hairy stomach. “How many treatments do I need to get a six pack?”
“It might not reduce the hair on your belly but you will lose more inches today and by tomorrow, you will lose more,” the femme fatal technician chuckles as she measures him.”
“Is it going to give me a six pack?”
“You’ll probably have to buy the machine for that,” Dr. Moheinan patronizes him.
Meanwhile Dr. Weiss explains to me that the Ion Magnum acts as a pacemaker to the skeletal muscle. It targets the neurons and resonates the signal of strenuous regular exercise to build muscle burning fat for energy. The face machine has a far more compex explanation. “Nanocurrent acts like a massive anti-oxidant,” Dr. Weiss explains. “Nanocurrent infuses a large amount of electrons into the body to stabilize the free radicals, which are molecules missing an electron. Given their missing electron which is replaced by the nanocurrent electrons, the free radicals are transformed into stable molecules and the whole system starts functioning optimally.”
“Dr. Long, you’ve lost 4 inches,” The femme fatal says in a matter of fact tone.
”Four inches? No, I didn’t. How did I lose four inches?”
“You’ve lost an additional 4 inches from your waist. Two and a half yesterday and four today makes six and a half inches off your waist.” She hands him the measuring tape. “Go ahead measure yourself.”
“I don’t want to see how big I am...” Reluctantly Dr. Long puts the measuring tape around his waist. “I lost 4 inches,” he cries.
“Maybe because you did not eat the gigantic piece of cake that Dr. Moheinan had,” Dr Weiss quips. Taking his hand, the femme fatale tech directs him to the large mirror adjacent to the booth. “You’ve even lost your love handles, see?”
“I still don’t have my six pack. But I did lose my love handles. That much is true...”
“You only had two treatments. You’ll need a lot more before you get a six pack.”
“But I can get a six pack?”
That’s what most of us want. We want to look twenty years younger with a six pack. The technology in the Arasys Perfector booth promised to do just that. The dramatic results, the overall energy of the beautiful girls, the educated presenters, the impressed attendees, was what grabbed our attention and convinced us to do an editorial about Arasys Perfector and Ion Magnum. For more information please visit their website at
On The Move Again?
Novena Surgery has been very aggressive in trying to lure us over to them. However, their prices remain higher than Paragon DSI, so there's absolutely no reason to move.
A surprise alternative surfaced last week. I anaesthetised a lady for caesarean section at Mt Alvernia. This was my first visit to Mt A OT in over a year! I got to talking to the nurses and particularly Sister Ee who is in charge of the OT. She welcomes us with open arms, and came back with a very reasonable quote.
Mt Alvernia OT is very nice, having been totally refurbished fairly recently. It's a little further from UE Square, but I'm sure our patients wouldn't mind hospital-grade operating theatre facilities at a more affordable price. Certainly our prices would have to be revised upwards if we stayed on at Paragon. I can absorb $50, but not multiples of $50 with no end in sight!
So the arrangements are being made as we speak. The machine will be moved to Mount Alvernia on Thursday and we will try our new locale for a while. Hopefully it will be home sweet home.
Please submit your votes in the new poll in the right hand column. I'd be interested to see where the majority wish to have their liposuction at.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Blumod Back Acne Treatment

The Blumod shirts offer a unique painless treatment that is painless and incorporates state of the art light technology. Light in the blue wavelength has been proven to be useful in the treatment of acne. Hence IPL is one option of acne management.
Blumod from Sunsoul is made from a material that specifically filters out all other wavelengths of light, allowing only blue light to penetrate through to the skin. Used for just 2 hours a week, it is an affordable, comfortable, effective way of controlling acne in an otherwise awkward area.
We also have Blumod caps for facial acne.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Interesting Rumour! Could It be True?
Wow! That caught me by surprise! I know the one question I can no longer answer easily is "What services do you offer?". I certainly would not be surprised if we had the largest number of slimming treatments in Singapore. We undoubtedly have some unique machines with Diamond Contours and Ion Magnum. Plus we are still the only medical establishment that owns the Body Jet waterjet liposuction machine.
Our services are comprehensive, but no means complete. We could potentially add a few more items, particularly lasers, but there is no means essential. Our acute lack of storage space is more of a problem!
We are about to order a skin analysis system in preparation for the changes in regulation starting 1st Nov 2008. This is the only way we can objectively study the improvements after the treatments in question, dermaroller and actistem being the two main treatments we wish to continue with. Sclerotherapy will be taken away from us, unfortunately. Just as well we still have alternatives such as IPL to tackle spider veins. It is a shame though, as there's a certain satisfaction from watching the veins collapse in front of your eyes!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Just Remembered...
Oestrogen dominance and sub-clinic hypothyroidism are common and often undiagnosed. Both result in weight gain and a resistance to weight loss by traditional means.
We were told that even patients with hormonal imbalances respond well to the Ion Magnum. But, the response rate will be slow initially. At least 5 sessions will be required before the body suddenly goes into weight loss mode.
This makes it a little more difficult to decide if one wishes to undergo a series of treatments. Under normal situations, instant reduction is visible. However, what are the alternatives? Continue the futile diet & exercise regime? Or just take a leap of faith and try the Ion Magnum?
I know my choice. What's yours?
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
SunSoul Home IPL Clothing Line
- Post-IPL maintenance
- Golfers
- Active facial acne
- Back acne
Update on Ion Magnum: Post Liposuction Muscle Toning & Visceral Fat Reduction
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Revitalash for Naturally Thick, Full Eyelashes

Considering I spent 3 days last weekend at a major International skin conference, I was surprisingly not enthused by much of the new products on offer. It was filler after filler after filler, all claiming to be the best. Yawn...
The first product to catch my eye was Revitalash. Having never had eye lashes of any form, and not being able to tolerate anyone coming near my eyes, falsies are out of the question. Here's a product that stimulates natural lash growth by daily application? Interesting & definitely worth trying out.
RevitaLash™ was developed by Dr. Michael Brinkenhoff as a special gift for his wife, Gayle, while she was recovering from breast cancer. Intensive chemotherapy treatments had damaged Gayle’s once-beautiful eyelashes, leaving them sparse, breakable and fragile.
I started my treatment that very night and am waiting for the day I can have visible eye lashes.
We have brought in a vials for clinic sale. Each one costs $238 and lasts for at least 6 months. At maintenance phase, each vial lasts 3 years!
Application is very straightforward. Just draw on upper and lower lash lines every night on cleansed face. Wait 5 minutes for it to dry before applying normal skin care products. Then wait with bated breath for growth.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Restylane Face Lift
The speaker was a Dermatologist from Bangkok. She realised that Restylane & Perlane were unique in having lifting properties. She has developed a technique whereby tiny amount of the filler are injected superficially into the traction lines if the face, in the direction of lift.
The technique is simple & produced immediate results. These improved over the following two weeks, following which the results remained stable for about a year. She used 2-3 1ml syringes per face, so it's a relatively costly affair. There's also a little bit of downtime: bruising, swelling, redness. This can last for up to 2 weeks.
I'm not sure if many Singaporeans would be keen on this, but it is certainly a simple procedure with good results. It may have a role in those who don't trust machines, don't want surgery and would prefer to avoid complications associated with threads. Personally, I'd give the Perfector a go first, and only resort to this if all machine and non-invasive options fail.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Update on Perfector Testing: Acne Scars & Comedones
Mery has residual acne scarring from adolescent acne. It cleared up tremendously after a couple of sessions of dermaroller treatment. So she was first up to see if Perfector would help reduce these further. She had a single 30 minute session on Thursday, and a few hours later, felt her scars were less obvious on the right side. We were too busy for her to have the treatment again yesterday. I'm hoping that with a few treatments done close together, she will get flawless skin without the discomfort of dermarolling.
My 12-year old daughter Ffion took a lot of persuading before agreeing to trying the Perfector. She'd rather live with comedones than be subjected to the treatments we had previously. To be fair to her, she has tried most things... once.
She had 10 minutes of Perfector treatment on Thursday and happily reported no discomfort. When I got home yesterday, I noticed her face was much smoother. About 50% of the comedones had disappeared! Even more had gone by this morning.
The best testament to the effectiveness and painlessness of the Perfector treatment is when a 12-year old asks to have another treatment 2 days later. :o)
Now we just have to tie her down to try the Ion Magnum!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Updates from A4M Singapore (July 2008)
First Perfector & Ion Magnum Units in Singapore!
- for the science behind the technology
- for information about the Perfector
- for information about the Ion Magnum
We will continue to update as we gain more experience with these devices.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Simply Aesthetic Has Purchased Arasys Perfector & Ion Magnum Machines!
We disappeared (aka ran out!) at 12 noon to catch Dr Weiss speak on the science behind the technology. It's all very cutting edge stuff, way more complex than what we learnt in medical school all those years back. Even with my BSc in Medical Biochemistry it was not easy to fully comprehend the molecular science involved. Things have certainly moved far away from the old lock & key model of enzymatic reactions. The scientists can now see how each individual molecule behaves in vivo, how it moves as the it performs its role. Also how cells communicate with one another, plus inside each cell. The technology basically encompasses mimicking natural cellular communication to gently coerce the proteins to rejuvenate. Plus the teeny weeny (impalpable) current provides the electrons required to stabilise all the nasty free radicals that age us & cause disease.
Enough science! We are more interested in results!
Before signing the papers, I was strapped onto the Ion Magnum. I've not been eating great recently, so I was having a bad tummy day. My measurements were taken before the treatment, then I got strapped in. The sensation was an urge to contract my tummy muscles, just like doing sit ups. This went on for a good half hour. In the mean time, the trainer Christine started using the Perfector on the left side of my face.
Within a short time, the effects on my face were noticeable. My nasolabial fold was less deep, particularly obvious when I smiled. And this is the side that was always more problematic. My eyebrow was a little higher, and my skin more radiant. My dark eye circles were also improved. I felt no discomfort at all. The gloved scratched a little, but nothing else.
Once we did the left face, we decided it was feeding time! Picture this: I was strapped up in the Ion Magnum, doing crunches, eating a huge lunch, including a massive slice of chocolate cake! After the treatment was over, I had still LOST 2 INCHES around my waist!!! They tell me the results will continue to improve over the next few days. I can't wait!!!
Needless to say, we purchased the machines and called the girls in for training. So I've had the Perfector on me for hours today. Literally! Looking closely at my face after my shower was interesting. The changes are very obvious:
- My brows are lifted
- The early sagging in my jowls is gone on the left and minimal on the right
- My nasolabial folds have never been so minimal
- My skin is lighter and more radiant
- My jawline is more contoured
It looks like we will be getting delivery of the machines on Monday. We will be honing our skills internally initially, then call for volunteers. We plan to launch the treatment in the next week or two. Watch this space or call the clinic for more details. The number of volunteers we can treat is very limited, so please call immediately to secure your place!
Friday, July 4, 2008
I'm in Love... with Arasys Perfector & Ion Magnum
The Arasys Perfector is the face machine. I saw faces being lifted & moulded into more pleasing contours in minutes. And there was no discomfort whatsoever! In fact, the sensation was NOTHING! It does what our RF does in a few sessions in a few minutes! Plus more! They have had vast experience in this machine doing the following:
- Immediately reduce wrinkle depth (saw that!)
- Lift faces, chins & necks (saw that!)
- Reduce melasma (saw that too!)
- Reduce puffiness of eye bags (yes, and we saw that!)
- Reduce active acne overnight
- Reduce acne scar depth
- Reduce redness of rosacea
- Change in skin texture (can see that in under 5 minutes!)
- Reduce sun damage
We will be attending Dr Weiss's lecture tomorrow to find out more about the science behind the technology. We also hope to finalise the deal to purchase the machines this weekend.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Save Face
The feature was a promise made by the ex-editor in exchange for exclusive rights (amongst men's magazines) for our beloved Chocolate (Diamond Contours Biomesosculpture) machine. That was in Spring 2007...
I hate deadlines like this. Big day, little time for error... Little time to get fantastic results.
Greg's almost forty and in pretty good shape. A few wrinkles and early signs of sagging, but otherwise excellent nick. He wanted some sun damage removed, lifting and reduction of double chin. Solution: IPL & RF.
The results from the first session alone were pretty good. We squeezed in 3 sessions with the RF before the big day. Unfortunately the IPL was out of order after that, so we could not give him another session.
He said the results did not last. That is to be expected since he did not complete the treatment program. He also did not complement the treatment with creams for daily maintenance treatment. I'm sure there's an element of forgetting baseline too. That's quite normal.
Anyway, he looked good on the "Big Day", and that's what matters.
For those who want to read the article, it's on page 90 of AUGUST MAN June 2008. Greg in full tattooed glory can be see on his other article on page 128-9 of the same issue.
Friday, May 23, 2008
We're Getting Fat!
Friday, May 16, 2008
IPL Training
Although the Anthelia is a very simple machine to use, it was nice to find out the exact protocol used by the French doctors for best results, particularly how often the treatment was done and the maintenance schedule.
And yes, I got pinned down and had my treatment too. It was not an uncomfortable procedure. My IPL-phobia from having had extremely painful IPL treatments previously with other machines was the greatest hurdle to overcome. But I survived, and no worse for wear! Phew!
At the end of it, I was presented with my certificate! Another one to add to the growing stack! :o)
CERUM replaces Metabolic C
As with all our products, we looked at various aspects of use:
- No need for refrigeration
- Smell
- Lack of greasiness
- Non-comedogenic
- Concentration of Active Ingredients
- Any other beneficial ingredients
After eliminating smelly products, we next weeded out that required refrigeration (too inconvenient) and those that were too greasy. That left us with 3 options, Metaboli-C being one of them. I was finally persuaded by Ivy that CERUM was the superior product.
CERUM is made by Prollenium Medical Technologies, from Canada. It contains 17% L-Ascorbic Acid. Moreover, it has Hyaluronic Acid as a component, so it hydrates as well as protects. This means it helps to prevent as well as reverse the ageing process. Studies have shown that the use of this concentration of Vitamin C shows a 29% reduction in facial fine lines in only 15 days.
What we can see immediately, when comparing one product against another, is that CERUM produces an instant whitening effect. And that was enough for us to go ahead with this order.
Each 30ml bottle of CERUM should last for approximately 2 months. The L-Ascorbic Acid in stabilised to remain active for up to one year.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Evidence for Safety & Efficacy of Mesotherapy
These are just a few papers published in reputable medical journals that look at what happens to the fat after treatment, whether it works and whether it is safe. There is none so blind as those who won't see. Mesotherapy may be slow, but there is good evidence that it is effective and safe.
[1] Dermatol Surg. 2008 Jan;34(1):60-6; discussion 66.
Salti G, Ghersetich I, Tantussi F, Bovani B, Lotti T.
Centro Chirurgico
Each patient received injections of a phosphatidylcholine/sodium deoxycholate preparation on one side and sodium deoxycholate on the contralateral side, each single patient being herself the control. Four treatments were carried out every 8 weeks in a double-blind, randomized fashion.
Both treatments have shown moderate and equivalent efficacy in treating localized fat, with sodium deoxycholate having a slower postoperative resolution, suggesting that sodium deoxycholate could be sufficient by itself to determine fat cell destruction and that phosphatidylcholine could be useful for obtaining a later emulsification of the fat.
Detergent effects of sodium deoxycholate are a major feature of an injectable phosphatidylcholine formulation used for localized fat dissolution.
Rotunda AM, Suzuki H, Moy RL, Kolodney MS.
Division of Dermatology,
Cell viability and cell membrane lysis assays were performed on cell cultures and porcine skin after treatment with the phosphatidylcholine formula, isolated sodium deoxycholate, or common laboratory detergents Triton-X 100 and Empigen BB.
A significant and comparable loss of cell viability, cell membrane lysis, and disruption of fat and muscle architecture was seen in cell cultures and tissue specimens treated with the phosphatidylcholine formula and isolated sodium deoxycholate.
Action of sodium deoxycholate on subcutaneous human tissue: local and systemic effects.
Yagima Odo ME, Cucé LC, Odo LM, Natrielli A.
Department of Dermatology,
Sodium deoxycholate (SD) induces an inflammatory reaction in subcutaneous human fat and dose-dependent adipocyte lysis with acute pain and fibrosis. No systemic effects were detected.
Mesotherapy and phosphatidylcholine injections: historical clarification and review.
Department of Dermatology,
All the published studies evaluating the clinical efficacy of traditional mesotherapy currently originate from
Mesotherapy is distinct from a method of treating adipose tissue with subcutaneous injections of deoxycholate alone or in combination with phosphatidylcholine.
Submental fat reduction by mesotherapy using phosphatidylcholine alone vs. phosphatidylcholine and organic silicium: a pilot study.
Co AC, Abad-Casintahan MF, Espinoza-Thaebtharm A.
Mesotherapy using phosphatidylcholine vs. phosphatidylcholine plus organic silicium was similarly effective in reducing submental fat. There was no significant difference between them in terms of rate and degree of reduction. Optimal reduction of submental fat was achieved after three treatment sessions. Adverse reactions were few, mild, and transitory. Therefore, both regimens are safe, efficacious, cost-effective, and can be used as alternatives to invasive surgical procedures.
Phosphatidylcholine in the treatment of localized fat.
Hexsel D, Serra M, Mazzuco R, Dal'Forno T, Zechmeister D.
Doris Hexsel Dermatologic Clinic,
Clinical results reflect that phosphatidylcholine was efficacious in reducing the fatty pads in the treated areas, with few side effects. From the authors' point of view, the off-label use of phosphatidylcholine in the treatment of fatty pads and small areas of localized fat is safe, low cost, and effective.
Histological changes associated with mesotherapy for fat dissolution.
Injection of phosphatidylcholine in fat tissue: experimental study of local action in rabbits.
Santa Casa School of Medicine, Rua Afonso Braz, 864, cj. 72,
A marked difference was observed between the two groups with respect to necrosis, inflammatory exudation, and fibrosis.
The use of phosphatidylcholine for correction of localized fat deposits.
A clear improvement occurred in all, with a marked reduction of the fat deposits without recurrence over a 2-year follow-up period and no weight gain. The injection of phosphatidylcholine into the fat deposits is a simple office procedure that can sometimes postpone or even replace surgery and liposuction.
[10] Dermatol Surg. 2001 Apr;27(4):391-2.
The use of phosphatidylcholine for correction of lower lid bulging due to prominent fat pads.
Clínica Patrícia Rittes,
Thirty patients were treated for prominent lower eyelid fat pads with phosphatidylcholine injection. Pre- and posttreatment photographs were taken for long-term analysis. A marked reduction of the lower eyelid fat pads was noted over the 2-year follow-up period. There were no recurrences.
[11] J Cosmet Dermatol. 2006 Sep;5(3):218-26.
Clinical experience and safety using phosphatidylcholine injections for the localized reduction of subcutaneous fat: a multicentre, retrospective
Palmer M, Curran J, Bowler P.
British Association of Cosmetic Doctors, 30b
This treatment appears to be associated with minimal risks when used by specifically trained and experienced doctors. The possible risks associated with this treatment should be balanced against the risks of other treatment options.
[12] J Am Acad Dermatol. 2005 Dec;53(6):973-8.
Rotunda AM, Ablon G, Kolodney MS.
Division of Dermatology,
All lipomas decreased in size (mean area reduction, 75%; range, 37%-100%) as determined by clinical measurement (with ultrasound confirmation in one lipoma) after an average of 2.2 treatments. Several lipomas fragmented or became softer in addition to decreasing in volume. Adverse effects, including transient burning, erythema, and local swelling, were associated with higher deoxycholate concentrations but resolved without intervention. There was no clear association between deoxycholate concentration and efficacy. Low concentration deoxycholate may be a relatively safe and effective treatment for small collections of fat.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Lipo Laser Enhances Liposuction Recovery
Our unit arrives next week. WAL is already reputed for quick recovery. This addition will cut down discomfort, bruising and swelling even more!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
MOH to let professionals regulate aesthetic treatments
By Hoe Yeen Ni, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 23 March 2008 2134 hrs
SINGAPORE: The Health Ministry appears to have changed its stand on aesthetic treatments and what procedures can be performed.
It now says it will leave the regulation of the industry to professional bodies, while it turns its attention to the safety of patients instead.
Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan said there is a lot of "grey area" in the industry and it is "not possible" for the Ministry to stop doctors from performing aesthetic treatments if there is a demand.
Mr Khaw clarified the MOH's position following media reports surrounding last week's crackdown on doctors who perform unproven procedures.
The MOH said that regulating the beauty industry is especially challenging as in many cases, scientific evidence is missing or inconclusive.
Furthermore, it added, taking a hard, regulatory approach will mean the prohibition of many procedures. This is not practical and it is not what MOH is advocating, stressed Mr Khaw.
The MOH's remarks came just a few days after it issued what amounted to a ban on certain procedures, such as fat-zapping mesotherapy, application of stem cells to revive the skin or the use of anti-ageing hormone and skin-whitening shots.
It said these have no scientific evidence and should not be practised at all, whether or not the operator has had training.
The MOH had also issued a stern warning that any doctor found doing these "unsubstantiated" procedures will be referred to the Singapore Medical Council for disciplinary review.
But now, that stand seems to have been changed.
"Because I'm not familiar with mesotherapy, I don't even know what it is. So let's leave it to the professions to sort it out," said Mr Khaw.
"The human urge to do this kind of things are plentiful. So who are we to say, stop it? We can't do that," he added.
But what the MOH will do is that it will regulate on high-risk, highly-invasive procedures.
Mr Khaw said his Ministry is working out guidelines which will stipulate who can perform what treatments.
He declined to indicate when the guidelines will be published.
The Academy of Medicine and the College of Family Physicians are also formulating principles to govern the ethical practice of all procedures.
But the question remains -- can doctors carry on in the meantime?
"Doctors are supposed to do what they think appropriate, taking into account possible benefits, and then possible risks. So that's a decision which doctors have to make all the time. Because if they fail to do that, they could be subject to investigation," said Mr Khaw.
Mr Khaw also said that consumers should know what they are getting into before taking the beauty plunge. - CNA/ir